H’s and T’s of ACLS | ACLS-Algorithms.com


  1. Marcia Heng says

    Hi Jeff,

    Thank you for taking the time to put this website together as you have.
    In my opinion, it is the best online website program for ACLS preparation.
    You utilize the best learning methods for us healthcare workers to learn and retain the information – Clear, Concise, Consistent accurate information with an emphasize on repetition. Thanks!

    On another note, I have a question for you,
    At some point as I was going through the site I thought I came across two supplemental tables for the H’s & T’s. It’s not the two that are currently listed under H’s and T’s section (H one that starts with loss of fluid and T one that starts with accidental overdose). Do you know what I am referring to? Are there anymore tables for the ACLS H’s and T’s besides those two? Thank you!

  2. Arya Bima says

    WHY hypoglycemia and trauma was removed from Hs and Ts?

    If both of them are still to be considered important during the assessment of any person in cardiac arrest, then they must be included in Hs and Ts. Am I right?

    • Jeff with admin. says

      American Heart Association removed hypoglycemia and trauma from the Hs and Ts in order to continue to further simplify advanced cardiac life support.

      Honestly, I think it was a poor decision to remove them, and I would not be surprised if they are added back in the future.

      It seems to me that there are many better ways to simplify ACLS then removing them from the Hs and Ts.

      Kind regards,

      • Alec says

        Why not remove Thrombosis, as there is no way to asses or diagnose/treat pulmonary or cardiac thrombosis in an unresponsive pt.

      • Jeff with admin. says

        The main reason would be so that you could properly rule out other causes. Even though thrombosis may not be easy to treat, it’s identification would assist in providing appropriate interventions.

        The earlier that thrombosis is identified, the higher the potential for a positive outcome. Sometimes this can even be recognized in the prearrest phase when providers are keenly aware of symptoms that occur.

        Kind regards,

      • Peter says

        There is no evidence that hypoglycemia causes direct cardiac arrest. There is some evidence that shows hypoglycemia can cause long QT which in turn can result in VF. We know hypoglycemia can result in respiratory depression/ loss of airway- this may result in hypoxia which is a known cause of arrest. Evidence found dextrose admin in cardiac arrest resulted in increased rate of ROSC but decrease survival to hosp dicharges and those who do survive have poorer outcomes.
        Poor perfusion states such as cardiac arrest results in very inacurate finger prick readings. Less than 30% who tested hypo was actually hypo.
        Don’t have link at hand for rest of evidence, quick google search should pop them up.
        Our approach is once you have ROSC, check sugar, correct if needed. Post VF arrest commonly results in hyperglycemia for initial period post arrest (in absence of glucose administration)

  3. Jeni says

    I am a pediatric cardiac nurse. I’m reviewing your website while I am home in bed with the flu. I think your information is presented in a way that is easy to comprehend. I will be recommending your site to my fellow nurses, pct’s, and telemetry techs on my unit. Thanks!

  4. Elizabeth Tichy says

    As a nursing student in my final semester, this site is AMAZING!! Thank you, Sir!!
    Elizabeth T.

  5. Alniren says

    I have only till tom to review, I did my acls pretest andI got 96%. I feel more comfortable now, this reviewer is very helpful and very informative. I recommended this website to my coworkers. I will definitely use this again in the future!

  6. cancelm5 says

    hello… I am taking ACLS (part 2 and test) next week and I am hoping this will help me out!! This site is of great help in reviewing this material. Thank you… I also shared this site with my colleagues that are taking the testing with me! MC

  7. crolik207 says

    Hi Jeff,

    Quick question. When will we see an undiluted potassium medication? Usually the potassium that the hospital carries is potassium chloride with for example 20 meqs and I am sure that is considered diluted. Is this correct?

    Thank in advance.

    • Jeff with admin. says

      You will not ever see undiluted potassium. Undiluted potassium when injected intravenously is lethal.  
      If potassium level is < 3 and the patient is symptomatic, 40 meq/hour may be administered to intensive care patients. That is the maximum infusion rate per hour. Kind regards, Jeff

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