ACLS Basics Quiz #3 - Learn & Master ACLS/PALS


  1. Gwen says

    I am in management and still have to take ACLS. Can you give me any help with taking the exam and Maga Code. I am not doing patient care everyday or it may be weeks. But I am around the clinical area.
    We do have RRT at our facility and the nurses are also getting a little less knowledge about this subject.

    • Jeff with admin. says

      This website is designed for providers in your situation. I have many non-clinical providers that take this course and then pass AHA ACLS with confidence. Make sure you watch the video on the home page in order to best utilize the resources on the website.

      Kind regards,

  2. dorrance says

    later in one of the quiz questions, the answer to the same question is circulation airway breathing, so I’m not certain which is correct. In reality, aren’t circulation and compressions synonymous?

  3. Pastora says

    Thank s Jeff for this very helpful site, I am always excited to tell others how this has helped me, easy to to understand, indeed simplified


  4. Kim LaFavor says

    I’m tired missing to many questions and going to fast. This has been a lot of fun. You did well organizing the material. It’s very boring to look at algorithms and I do not do well at all. Thanks again.

  5. LInda Ivker says

    So far, Jeff, I’m having fun with the quizzes. Let’s see what happens next! Thanks so much for your assistance today.

  6. Richard Cade says

    Can you please go into more detail for Q4 please. My understanding on the new guidelines are, check safety, check for a pulse, no pulse straight into chest compressions then airway, breathing and so on until defib attached, then shock as soon as possible, as always.

    • Jeff with admin. says

      The CAB sequence is specifically addressing the sequence of steps for CPR within the framework of BLS. It does not include what happens prior to initiating CPR.

      Please let me know if you have any other questions about this.

      Kind regards,

  7. says

    Quiz #3 Question 7. It states on pg 39 of the ACLS provider manual that-For cardiac arrest patients, administer 100% oxygen. For others, titrate oxygen administration to achieve oxygen sat values of 94% or greater by pulse ox. So, the answer should be neither 1 or 2 because it does not include respiratory arrest.

    • Jeff with admin. says

      Respiratory arrest is also treated with 100% oxygen. On page 44 under the respiratory arrest Primary assessment section, it states: “A respiratory rate below 6/min requires assisted ventilation with bag-mask device or advanced airway with 100% oxygen. Respiratory arrest will also always require 100% oxygen delivery.

      Kind regards,

  8. holtheidi says

    The answer indicated (green) for quiz question #10 is “disability” (?) I answered differential diagnosis and got it wrong. Not sure about this.

    Thanks, Heidi

  9. conniehepler says

    For question 8, why don’t we include a pulse check and CPR if needed as part of the C(circulation) care? Thanks.

    • Jeff with admin. says

      With regard to CPR and Pulse checks, this is placed within the BLS survey. For the Advanced provider using ACLS, the BLS survey and the ACLS survey are taking place at the same time. Read this page and it will help with your understanding: BLS/ACLS Survey

      • Julhag says

        Hi Jeff,
        Sorry, but have discovered another discrepancy. Test #3, question 4.
        Pg 49 of AHA ACLS book says “use manual spinal restriction rather than immobilization”

      • Jeff with admin. says

        The question reads: “When providing BLS/ACLS to a known or suspected cervical spine trauma which of the following is NOT correct when attempting to open the airway?” It is asking which is NOT correct. and the answer is “Use an immobilization device to stabilize the head” is NOT Correct.
        Kind regards,

  10. valrie martin says

    on second thoughts maybe for ACLS it would be a cardiac emergecy so other situation would not apply. Sorry. Shoukld have thought it through before commenting.

  11. valrie martin says

    for question 7 the answer should be 3. cardiac arrest-100% and for anything else but cardiac arrest oxygen to 94%

    • Jeff with admin. says

      The correct answer is #3 as you state. Not sure if there was a glitch that showed you something different.
      1. When administering oxygen for cardiac arrest, administer 100% oxygen.
      2. Other than cardiac arrest , administer oxygen to maintain O2 saturation value o≥ 94% by pulse oximetry

      Kind regards

  12. Blonde4fun says

    Thanks for all of your explanations which help when I miss the correct answer. Are the questions generally in the same category of the ACLS written exam itself? Trying to stay focused on the most important details without getting bogged down in incidental information. Thanks for all you do to help us learn and understand ACLS.

    • Jeff with admin. says

      All of the questions in this section of the site incorporate information directly from the AHA ACLS provider manual. You will find it to be pertinent for certification.
      Kind regards,

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