ACLS Quiz 1


  1. Kemal Bahcheli says

    In the setting of witnessed cardiac arrest, would the correct answer not be to immediately start chest compressions, until the rhythm is determined, then decide if defibrillation is the appropriate measure to take?

    • ACLS says

      That is correct. However, the question was not asking what should be done first first. Question #4 was asking what the most important intervention for witnessed sudden cardiac arrest is. The most important intervention for witnessed sudden cardiac arrest is defibrillation. The sooner that defibrillation takes place the more likely that ROSC can be achieved.

      Kind regards,

      • Astrid van Buuren says

        but if the witnessed cardiac arrest is not due due Vfib or pulsless Vtach, then chest compressions and alerting EMS would take priority, to maintain perfusion to identifying cause is the number one priority. If the question does not at least hint at the left branch of the cardiac algorithm, and is not an assumption, then the answer of early defibrillation is not correct

      • Lisa says

        I read the question as…what was most important for me/witness to initiate…as you know when we’re all going through scenarios…youre always hollering activate ems and get an aed …to someone else.

        I didn’t think …the that would be the witnesses first action….but cpr first…if no help is around…then….go get an aed?

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