ACLS Quiz 1


    • ACLS says

      These ACLS practice tests and Megacode scenarios are similar to things that you will experience in the American Heart Association provide a course, written test, and skill station. Everything on the site is based on the Up to date American Heart Association ACLS provider manual and guidelines.

      Kind regards,

  1. Joe says

    In regards to some of the last few questions , specifically re Tracy and Cindy.

    I agree with Tracy that getting help coming, takes priority especially if arrest was witnessed, assuming you have no AED. If AED was present , then no question, defib is immediate priority, as survival rates diminish 7-10% each minute (3-4% if CPR only in effect) If question was worded. ” if AED available, what would be most important intervention?” would clarify and likely avoid confusion.

    Re: Cindy’s & Ann’s point.
    Is continuing CPR going to negatively impact or possibly improve cardiac function for a pt who may be in ROSC for an additional two minutes after AED shocks or until AED re-analyzes after two minutes? Remember, that the likelihood of the heart perfusing strong enough to maintain a stable BP, in order to perfuse the brain & kidneys, after being converted from a shock, while still unresponsive, is unlikely per all the ECC & AHA material I’ve read. A single round of high quality CPR even if the pt has regained a pulse (* unless they sit up and thank you or show signs of regaining cx) isn’t going to negatively impact the heart and as Jeff eluded to, will only improve coronary circulation for the period in which your unsure of a palpable pulse or until AED re-analyzes, which is why per AHA, for BLS unresponsive pts, if unable or unsure of pulse, start CPR.
    Biggest mistake I see with both ALS and BLS providers as a medic and instructor, is uncertainty of being able to palpate a central pulse, thus withholding CPR from those who need it and rather when in doubt, looking at signs of poor perfusion to guide rather than fishing for > 10 seconds for pulse check. Per AHA, if pt is unresponsive due to code, early and effective cpr is a potential lifesaver. If they are unresponsive due to other causes, cpr may elicit a response.

  2. Mirka Lane says

    Hi Jeff,
    I have been using your site for many years (found it by accident) and it has been a great help every time while studying for ACLS/PALS since. Thank you
    Mirka L.

  3. ROBERT counselman says

    I’m brushing up for my hands on test, great site, great help, appreciate all you do ….Rob RN

  4. Elaine says

    Well Jeff life is good I passed, it is such a joy to use your site. Thank you for all that you do. I’ll see you in two years. THANK YOU!!!!

    • ACLS says

      There are lots of practice tests covering every area of the ACLS provider manual. Also there are mega code scenarios covering all of the algorithms. You can find links to these in the main menu below and at the top of any page on the website.

      Main Menu

      Kind regards,

  5. Reyes says

    Thanks to this amazing couse I passed my ACLS in just 1 week both theory and practice. At the beginning I was hesitating about spending my money on it, but at the end it totally worth every penny. I didn’t have to read the boring ACLS manual and I impressed my professor participating during the classess. Thank you Jeff!!! (Whoever you are)

    • Faith Bennett says

      Just got 100% on written exam and succeeded in the mega code. I am grateful for your site. This has been a wonderful teaching tool for me and I am sharing your site with anyone that will listen.

      • ACLS says

        Hi Faith,
        That’s great! Congratulations. Thank you so much for sharing the site with others.
        Kind regards, Jeff

  6. Sheri Armour says

    Where is this ACLS Manual all the questions are coming from? I need to study it. Is it online here? I just joined today…thank you.

    • Jeff with admin. says

      If you are new to ACLS it would be good to use a provider manual as a reference. I do have quite a number of recent scribers that do not purchase the provider manual after they have fully understood all of the concepts.

      You can purchase an ACLS American heart provider manual here.

      Kind regards,

  7. Tracey Miller says

    Hi Jeff,
    I get why the answer is early defib But if there is no AED AVAILABLE, the only way to get it, is by activating EMS FIRST.
    Seems quite reasonable that activating EMS should be first…

    • Jeff with admin. says

      The question says, “The most important intervention with sudden witnessed cardiac arrest is:”

      The question is just asking what the most important thing to do is. It doesn’t actually ask what you are going to do first. There may be times when a defibrillator is not available, and you would immediately activate EMS.

      The most important intervention is early defibrillation and this is why you would want to activate EMS if there is no defibrillator available on scene.

      I hope that makes sense.

      Kind regards,

  8. Maria Dawson says

    Hi Jeff,
    Question 9
    The most important intervention with witnessed sudden cardiac arrest is: Early defib.

    I get that, because that’s the intervention for pulseless Vfib /Vt, but the question does not state vfib or vtach.
    Witnessed sudden cardiac arrest does not mean it is always pulseless vfib/vtach.
    Just clarifying the question. Thanks

    • Jeff with admin. says

      The reason for this being the correct answer is that a very high percentage of witnessed sudden cardiac arrest is caused by ventricular fibrillation. Defibrillation is the definitive treatment of witness sudden cardiac arrest.

      Kind regards,

  9. Drew Jeffries says

    Since there are questions number 1-10. Consider labeling choices as a, b, c, and d. I think it will flow better…because when I saw 1 and 2, I was thinking it meant 1 or 2 person rescuer, vs choices 1 and 2.

    • Jeff with admin. says

      Sneezing is a rare side effect caused by the administration of adenosine.

      Are you saying that the patient sneezed after you administered the adenosine?

      Sneezing in some rare cases can cause a vasovagal response which could cause syncope.

      From a brief review of the literature, Sneezing is not typically a precursor to a block.

      Kind regards,

  10. cindycrouse says

    Really? you are going to start CPR without knowing if he has a pulse or not, or without letting the machine reanalyze the rhythm

    • Jeff with admin. says

      I’m not sure which question you were referring to, but I looked through the questions and I think that it was Question # 6.
      If #6 is what you are asking about, each shock is immediately followed with 5 cycles of CPR, beginning with compressions. This ensures that the blood perfusion is maintained at the highest optimum level. The rhythm analysis and pulse shock should always take place immediately at the end of the 5 cycles of CPR.

      Kind regards,

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