Atrial flutter |


  1. tinkerbell says


    what the heck is the F wave you elude to in the ACLS algorithm video. I am thinking that it is a mis-type and should be P. i am sure that i am not the only one that noticed this. thanks for correcting.

  2. chichi says

    Hi …I have read about ECG in my accident and emergency course but my problem is that I seem not to understand how to interpretation it ….The stable tachycardia n unstable tachycardias….i really want to understand

    • Jeff with admin. says

      Unstable tachycardia exists if a tachycardia is causing serious signs and symptoms in a patient. These serious signs and symptoms are related to poor blood perfusion.

      Stable tachycardia exists if the patient has a tachycardia rhythm but continues to have good blood perfusion. I hope this answers your question.

      Kind regards,

  3. Elaine12 says

    I had an aha moment with the regular rate (a-flutter) and the irregular rate (a-fib) now on the video I can see the difference. Thank you.

  4. Kathy gee says

    “20-50J is commonly enough to revert to sinus rhythm.” but
    “AHA recommends an initial shock dose 0f 50-100 J for cardioverting unstable atrial flutter.”
    What dose is used for a flutter ?
    When should you use the lower amount?
    Thank you

    • Jeff with admin. says

      The shock dose that American Heart Association recommends is 50 to 100 Joules.

      There are times when expert cardiologist will use lower shock doses in certain situations. These lower shock deuces are typically reserved for experts who are very familiar with cardiac physiology.

      Kind regards,

  5. rioboy10 says

    2 quick questions….
    In reference to A-Fib/A-Flutter (Stable), is the treatment to provide supplementary care (02, IV, Monitor, Pulse Ox, etc.) only and no Vagal Maneuvers and/or Adenosine 6mg/12mg IV?
    Also, in ACLS, is the treatment for A-Fib/A-Flutter only in unstable pts?, which we would then go to synchronized cardioversion?
    I just want to make sure that I fully understand the treatment modalities for stable A-Fib/A-Flutter because in the manual (AHA pg. 165), it states that Adenosine does not convert A-Fib and A-Flutter.
    Thanks in advance for the help……this is a great site.

    • rioboy10 says

      In simpler terms…..

      In cases where the A-Fib and A-Flutter is “stable”, do we monitor the pt. only? and only treat A-Fib and A-Flutter if the pt. is deemed to be unstable?

      Thanks again,

      • Jeff with admin. says

        For stable atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter (new onset) monitoring the patient and the other interventions that you mentioned would be important, but you would also be looking for causes, consulting cardiology, and possibly using medications, like calcium channel blockers, to slow a rapid rate down. These other interventions for stable a-fib and a-flutter are important.

        For the patient with any type of new onset atrial fibrillation (stable or unstable) it is important to rule out thrombus before a cardioversion is performed.

        Kind regards,

      • leilarocks says

        How would you rule out the thrombus in the unstable patient before cardioversion? You wouldnt wait to do a CT or get back a D-dimer for the unstable patient would you?

        (Aboslutely love this site btw!!)

      • Jeff with admin. says

        Thanks for the compliment!

        You would use an ultrasound procedure at the bedside that is called TEE Transesophageal echocardiogram. This procedure can be done rapidly at the bedside. If TEE is not available then the patient should be transferred to a facility where this procedure can be quickly done.

        Kind regards,

  6. David says

    the page says that drugs are not used to manage unstable tachycardia but wouldn’t adenosine be used if cardioversion failed to convert the patient?

    • David says

      I was just hopping around the site, which is great by the way, but I may have misread the first time. It’s just the irregular unstable tachy rhythms that wouldn’t be treated with adenosine at all right?

      • Jeff with admin. says

        Not exactly correct, but close. You would treat any unstable tachycardia with adenosine. You would go straight to cardioversion in all cases of unstable tachycardia where there is no underlying cause like sepsis. I’m talking about rates that will typically exceed 150 and most likely greater than 170.

        Kind regards,

    • Jeff with admin. says

      I have never seen adenosine used after cardioversion when treating unstable tachycardia.
      Amiodarone would probably be a better choice especially when dealing with wide complex tachycardia.
      Kind regards,

  7. obiking says

    FYI on Chidi’s earlier comment.
    Objective assesment of Nigerian’s heath care delivery system show, there has not been a concerted effort to organize an effective Emergency response system. Emergency Medicine exist only in Teaching hospitals and few large hospitals in Abuja, Lagos and Port-harcourt.
    Therefore ACLS, ATLS and PALS are not emphasised tools of medical education for doctors even in very ‘sophisticated’ Hospitals.
    Nigeria is far behind Ghana, South Africa, Egypt and perhaps Morrocco in entrenching the modicum of quality emergency services.
    My experience is that doctors are still in ‘dark ages’ regarding these simple tools. A woman who collapsed in a bathroom, diaphoretic and hypotensive and obviously dypneic was given a ‘drip of Aminophylline and hydrocortisone, while an ER nurse was wrestling with the connectors of a nebulizer. This happened in the Emergency department of Umuahia ( A level 2 hospital by USA designation, and a teaching facility).
    I was so flabbergatsed when I was informed that the doctor put the cause of death as ‘Status Astmaticus’
    This happened to be my mum.
    She had TIA a year prior and was treated in USA. She had just gone down to Nigeria from USA for her grand daughters wedding.
    She obviously had either a PE or MI.
    She had been ’embalmed by the time I flew back.
    No autopsy.
    there was no ECG done from my recollection, No CXR, No blood works (even if results came back post mortem)
    That is Nigeria.
    I am an ER physician, but in PEM.
    I am hoping as a 50th birthday gift next year to design an emergency response protocal for the same town my mother died and use it a pilot for the country. I am currently looking for volunteer Er physicians to laise with me to do the paperwork. And possibly visit (after the Ebola scare) hopefully in Oct 2015.
    Town population is maybe 1.5 million
    One large facility about 100 bed. They have 3 health centers with urgent care facilities
    They have oil money that can build an entire fleet of at least 10-15 equiped EMS ambulances and a dedicated emergency department built with a radio post.
    With 90% penetrance of cellular phones in the general population, the idea of training young intelligent men and women as EMTs will not be difficult. Also simultanously train trainers and Physicians (who ever work in their ERs).
    it is a dream.
    It will be worth my while, if I can get a financial backbone.

  8. chidi says

    I had been a cna, monitor tech and a nursing student. I also worked in a telemetry unit for over 5 years. though am in Africa at the moment, I really enjoyed the lessons and I miss working in the US so much. Nurses in Africa don’t have to go through ACLS. Can you guys imagine that?? Anyway, thank you so much Jeff. you are great. THANKS

    • Paul says

      CHIDI, if nurses in NIGERIA don’t go through ACLS, don’t say that nurses in Africa don’t do ACLS!
      NIGERIA IS NOT AFRICA ! Nigeria is just a country/state in Africa; and not an exemplary one for that matter.
      Just as US of America is NOT THE CONTINENTOF NORTH AMERICA. USA is not the only country in AMERICA.
      Travel to other AFRICAN countries – Egypt, South Africa, Morocco, Cameroun, Ethiopia, Ghana, etc; etc; and see what they are doing. Nursing is a universal science and abides to international standards.

      Jeff, your classes are appreciated and used all over AFRICA !
      Paul; RN.

      • Pat says

        Thank you Paul. That is the truth. ACLS is observed all over the world including NIGERIA. I don’t know where Chidi is speaking from. He really need to get more education about what he is talking about. Being a cna for several years and working in Tele unit for 5 years is not enough for Chidi to understand what ACLS entails.
        Thanks again.

        Pat. RN/BSN.

      • Jeff with admin. says

        This might make it a little more clear:
        With atrial flutter, P waves are replaced by “F” waves (saw tooth pattern in II, III, AVF)

        The F-waves are just a simple way to describe the electrical activity that moves in a localized self-perpetuating loop. For each cycle around the loop, there results an electric impulse that propagates through the atria.

        This is in contrast to the P-wave which is a single impulse that discharges in the atria and initiates the QRS complex.

  9. kellyQ says

    Hi, so if I noticed my stable pt had an atrial flutter rate in the high 200s and a vent.rate in the 70s, would I follow the Adult Tachycardia w/ pulse Algorithm (pg.118)?
    I see while traveling thru the Algorithm, I would end up at box 7 and if vagal maneuvers did not work, then Adenosine 6mg IV push would be given. Then I see on pg.165 under Adenosine Indications that: Adenosine does not convert atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, or VT.
    How do I treat sawtooth atrial flutter or do I need a cardiologist?

    • Jeff with admin. says

      If the ventricular rate was in the 70’s then this would not be tachycardia and it would not be treated with the adult tachycardia algorithm.

      If this was a new onset atrial flutter, you would want this patient to be admitted and consulted with a cardiologist.

      Now if you had atrial flutter with an atrial rate in the 200’s and the ventricular rate was around 120-180’s you would treat using the adult tachycardia algorithm and get a cardiologist to evaluate the patient as soon as possible.

      The ventricular rate is what determines if you progress into the use of the tachycardia algorithm.

      Kind regards,

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