ACLS Quiz 1


  1. nbillups says

    I was confused by the term “cardiac arrest” in question 9. Does that not include asystole which would not include defibrillation?
    Love this sight, it’s the second time I have used for ACLS! Many thanks

    • Jeff with admin. says

      Question #9 reads: “9. The most important intervention with witnessed sudden cardiac arrest is:”
      The most likely cause of witnessed sudden cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation which is treated with defibrillation. Vary rarely will you see asystole with sudden cardiac arrest. Asystole is ventricular standstill, and this usually occurs long after a patient has gone through VF or pulseless VT.

      Kind regards,

      • Jeff with admin. says

        The question reads: “The most important intervention with witnessed sudden cardiac arrest is:” The reason why the answer is defibrillation is because this is the only intervention that has been proven to be effective. Also the earlier that defibrillation is performed, the better the outcome.
        AHA ACLS manual pg. 54. The earlier the defibrillation occurs, the higher the survival rate.

        Also, the question is asking what the most important intervention is. It is not asking what the first intervention is.

        Kind regards,


    Hi Jeff, …………..Glad I found your website yesterday ! taking ACLS in 2 more days…….beginning to feel more at ease now that I started taking the quizzes with the ability to immediately find the rationales for those questions I may miss ……..this website will save the day for me………….. Thank you !!!!!!

  3. Whitney says

    On question 4, rationale states that “open airway is not included in the BLS survey” but in question 5, open airway is in the correct answer. Which is which?

  4. says

    Great site , good prep for my ACLS Course later this month. As a UK Medic and having completed the UK Advanced Life Support this type of online learning is something that is very much lacking for the UK Resus Council .

  5. alifong says

    As there are witnessed cardiac arrests that are not V-fib or V Tach, I would argue that for all witnessed cardiac arrests, chest compressions are the most important.

    • Jeff with admin. says

      For witness PEA, the intervention would be chest compressions.
      For VT and VF, the most important intervention is defibrillation. Witness cardiac arrest can be rapidly reversed with defibrillation. If the cardiac arrest is witness, perfusion has just been lost. The quickest way to reestablish perfusion is to defibrillation.

      Kind regards,

  6. Kathy says

    I understand the point but depending on if you are alone or with other help, when ERS is activated, personnel should bring the AED if there is one. If by self & have started compressions & no one arrives with AED or help you must get AED if available.

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