Other tachycardia rhythms | ACLS-Algorithms.com


  1. veena says

    wow evergrowing website.i would like to become a member.I am an RN and craving to work for cardiology unit and like to get a. handy(really small) ecg book in the pocket for reference

  2. ranwan51 says

    I love this site! I have been ACLS certified for many years but I have to start studying at least one month prior. I work in an outpatient setting and do not have the opportunity to even see rhythms anymore. I hate reading the book every 2 years. I am going to use everything on your site. In what order do you suggest I begin this endeavor? Thanks, Old but not dead yet.

  3. Dara Bass says

    For Monomorphic VT would that pt be stable? what do you do for stable pt. Loving the site thanks so much!!!!

    • Jeff with admin. says

      Monomorphic VT can be stable or unstable. It would depend on the patients signs and symptoms.
      Treatment for both stable and unstable tachycardia can be found on this page:
      Click where it says “Tachycardia Algorithm Diagram” and you can look at a flowchart that shows interventions.
      Kind regards,

  4. Tom McGuinness says

    Fantastic site for people who can speak english and can also read and understand english. Well worth every penny is costs. Thank you guys from all who have gained so much from this entire experience!

  5. bethdubois says

    Hi Jeff,

    What is the difference between cardioversion, defibrillation, and synchronization?


  6. deecanales says

    As a physician working on a rapid response team I could say this is the best acls review website ever. Keep up the good work guys!!

  7. ghulam mahdi says

    Really very helpful ,i got fruitful result. i would like to my colleagues to get help from this site.

  8. Mary says

    I found this site extremely helpful, making it easier to understand the physiology behind the rhythms. Thanks so much!!!

  9. Essam says

    No way it is an esteemed website , but i wonder why for sudden of all it became paid site so it starts to loose its humanitarian GOAL . Still i remember 2 years back no site could compete it .Where it was free of charge.

    I hope to go back to its non commercial message .

    • tracy says

      please don’t leave nasty comments about this extremely professional, well done, accurate, and helpful website until you can learn proper English and grammar. You should be ashamed to show people how inadequate your education is, and I’m frightened to think that you’re actually taking care of patients with so little intelligence.

    • Jacob Gaik says

      All I know is, as a professional, I would have paid 10 x what I did for this site! I was confident before but I am still learning a lot here. Great site, great info, great format, and I am having a great experience! Thank guys!

    • Connie Schwendeman says

      It never ceases to amaze me that the people who seem to criticize the most are the least intelligent. This is a very helpful website. Ignore the ignorant.

    • frog11 says

      Essam: I think this site has a LOT of info for free and I am happy to pay for the additional Mega code videos especially since that is the most stressful part of taking ACLS. I think Jeff and Chris deserve some compensation for all they do to make this a comprehensive useful site. After perusing this site for 2days, I must say that I have a better understanding of it all than I previously had in 40+ years of nursing. I am grateful I stumbled upon this great website.

  10. J. Harter says

    As for diagnosing using Adenosine vs. Cardizem (this is what our agency carries for anti-arrythmics, along with Lido) on wide/borderline-wide complex tachycardias. We typically run a twelve lead ASAP w/initial supportive care obviously due to the cardiac complaint. Using the twelve lead we assess the PRI reading that is printed at the top since this reads out to the thousandths and we can only read the “little” boxes out to the hundreth. We look for a number and then have a bit more educated decision as to supraventricular vs ventricular origination. Any numerical data at PRI would more than likely indicate supra and you could more decisively adjust your treatment. Assess, supportive care, 12 lead and IV in conjunction with one another. We do this regularly and like a code our team falls into place to get things done. All things being equal for a stable and <48 hrs Pt complaint. Great site, love the material.
    *Any thoughts?

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