First degree heart block |


  1. Dudu says

    Hi Jeff patient is unresponsive and pulselessrhythm change irregular ,chaotic vf like pattern you change to 200 j and press shock but no shock deliver why?

    • Jeff with admin. says

      It sounds like either you did not charge the defibrillator prior to shocking the patient or you had the defibrillator in synchronize mode and the defibrillator could not sync with the patient’s rhythm.

      Kind regards,

  2. Kate Igunma says

    Hi Jeff. I am preparing to take the Nclex-RN. My question is – what should a nurse do first if there is an abnormal ECG reading. Do you take the pulse first or go ahead and the CPR?

    • Jeff with admin. says

      An abnormal ECG only indicates that there is an arrhythmia in the heart. You will first look at your patient. If they are awake/responsive, you will not have to check a pulse and you would not need to perform CPR. If you find a person unresponsive then at that point you would call for help and a defibrillator and then perform a pulse check. If no pulse then begin CPR.

      Does that make sense?

      Kind regards,

  3. carlafussy says

    Hi Jeff,

    On Sept. 12, 2013 you had a video on this site that helped with the basics of ECG strip analysis. Can you post that again?

    Thank you,


  4. CyndiSood says

    The PR interval confuses me. It looks more like a PQ interval. I thought the R wave was the peak of the QRS complex. What am I missing?

    • Jeff with admin. says

      The name is a bit confusing. The PR interval or PRI is measured from the beginning of the P-wave to the beginning of the QRS complex. This can be confusing because the beginning of the QRS complex is at Q.
      Some healthcare providers do refer to it as PQ interval and this would still be considered correct. It’s more common name is PRI or PR interval. It is kind of like EKG when really it should be ECG. There is absolutely no good reason to call ECG an EKG, but we do.

      Kind regards,

      • Ben says

        Jeff, great explanation about the PRI. However, just to throw out some cool trivia: there is meaning behind saying “EKG”. The inventor of the ECG, as we know, it was a Dutch guy back around 1900. The German word is abbreviated as EKG, while in English it is abbreviated as ECG. So if you say EKG, you are paying homage to the original German term which I won’t butcher the spelling of. The more you know!!!


      • jangrossberg says

        Thank you for clarifying that piece of tradition! I always thought I was missing something there….?? 🙁

  5. im1coolrn says

    In all the ACLS classes I have had, you are the first person to clarify the block vs a NSR. It makes it so much easier to understand the rest of the blocks too. Another thank you.

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