ACLS Megacode Scenario 3 |


  1. Mark Meany says

    Going right to pacing without giving atropine violates the bradycardia protocol. Atropine should be tried first.

  2. monicab says

    It’s 3rd degree bloc. Ps March out, QRSs March out but no association between QRS complexes and P waves. And there are more P waves than QRs waves.

  3. Monica B says

    This is 3rd degree or complete heart block. More P waves than QRS complexes and each marches out to the beat of a different drum aka they are totally disassociated from one another.

    • Annie says

      Thank you for this analogy…I never understood what was meant by “they are marching out” until now. Wembley G

  4. jeffrey o kasbohm says

    Your third degree block seems closer to a 2nd degree mobitz I : you have the increasing PR interval then a dropped p wave. — I think you can justify it as 3rd degree since the R to R interval doesn’t change (ant the p to p wave interval is unchanging) . If real life was as simple. Thanks though MUCH for your site! Great for quizzing.

    • Jody says

      I disagree. If you see the first p wave, it has a very short PR. Then right after that you have a ‘dropped’ QRS. It does not follow the longer, longer, drop pattern.

    • Jack M says

      the key here is what you said about the P-P and R-R intervals being steady. If it were a 2nd degree type 1 the R-R would shorten and PR lengthen until a qrs is dropped.

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