ACLS and Lidocaine |


  1. Raymond Jeff Massay says

    Thanks, particularly when the feeling that Lidocaine is “an old drug”, and the world only needs Amiodarone.

  2. Jason P. (MD) says

    There’s a pretty interesting article circulating from CHEST demonstrating increased efficacy of lido in comparison to amiodarone for pulseless VTach/VFib arrest. (Wagner et. al, 2022) We’re talking statistically significant odds ratios of 1.15 for achieving ROSC and 1.19 for overall survival, with numbers in the study to provide pretty solid statistical power.

    The disclaimer on Lido for pulseless VFib arrest (“The overall benefits of lidocaine for the treatment arrhythmias in cardiac arrest has come under scrutiny. It has been shown to have no short term or long term efficacy in cardiac arrest.”) might be out of date.

    I’m curious to see when / if there will be an algorithm change.

    Anyway, I just wanted to pass that along.


    Here’s the article below. I have a hunch this is going to bring out some national changes in practice.

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