BLS Practice Test - BLS Express Study Guide -


    • ACLS says

      Removal of the medication patch will prevent poor current flow and will ensure the best possible conduction of the electric current during defibrillation. Kind regards, Jeff

  1. Heather Gentleman says

    You’re alone and find an unresponsive adult. What is the different scenario between giving CPR rounds and then leaving vs activating EMS and getting AED first? If you find them unresponsive, you still leave to get help and am AED?

  2. Carolina says

    This was very helpful for me before taking the test and was exactly what they taught me at my class . 26 out 35 definitely going to do better and feel more confident to take the test, I can also say I understand more now with the questions than before. 😃

  3. Fred Downs says

    “You are alone and find an unresponsive victim not breathing. You shout for help but no one responds. What is the proper sequence of actions in light of this:” BLS practice test – Part 1.
    You refer to the manual (P.15), but do not show the correct answer.
    What is the correct answer? Thanks.

    • ACLS says

      All answers that are correct but are not answered correctly are outlined with a fine green line. The incorrect answer will show in red.
      Kind regards,

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