EKG Practice Test 2 - Learn & Master ACLS/PALS


    • Kerri Borton says

      I think the difference would be that in torsades, it would have a more regular QRS complex shape. So, because they are irregular, it would indicate vfib

  1. Spammie says

    Hi. For #9, I am unsure of where the fine chaotic p waves are. I know a-fib is my weakest rhythm so I know it’s a me-issue but I just don’t understand why this type of EKG is a-fib as when I think of “fine chaotic p waves” I expect more of a visual representation of it. Is this what they call “controlled a-fib”? thank you.

    • ACLS says

      Frequently with atrial fibrillation, the P waves will be absent. The easiest way to identify atrial fibrillation, is to identify an irregular ventricular rhythm with the absence of regular clearly defined P waves.

      Kind regards,

  2. Kayla says

    Can you explain how #9 is A fib. It looks more like a accelerated junctional rhythm and I know it’s not a answer choice. \
    Thank you.

  3. Mack says

    #9 is not Atrial Fib! The QRS is Wide, there are no P waves and the rate is 150. To be Atrial Fib a P waves MUSTR be present!

    • ACLS says

      An irregular rhythm without P waves is a key characteristic of atrial fibrillation on an ECG. There are a few additional important factors to consider for a definitive diagnosis:

      Key ECG Features of Atrial Fibrillation
      Irregularly irregular rhythm: The R-R intervals vary in an unpredictable pattern.
      Absence of P waves: Normal P waves are not visible.
      Fibrillatory waves: The baseline may show rapid, irregular oscillations called fibrillatory or “f” waves, which can be fine or coarse.
      Normal QRS complexes: The QRS duration is typically less than 120 ms, unless there is a pre-existing conduction abnormality.
      Variable ventricular rate: The heart rate is often between 110-160 beats per minute, but can vary.

      Kind regards,

  4. k lewis says

    re: #8

    150 is arbitrary — 150 is sinus. unless you see the sudden start then it’s SVT plus patient presentation will assist in interpretation.

    if you like I can send you clearer expamples. your rhythm generator leaves a bit to be desired.

    • ACLS says

      When the PR interval is greater than 0.2 sec (5 small squares) this would indicate prolonged PR interval.
      Kind regards,

  5. Kathryn Lewis says

    Only 2 QRS complexes then asystole thus not enuf to say the QRS rhythm is regular or irredular… there is no return of the QRS complexes thus into ventircular asystole.


  6. Jay says

    I have a question about strip number 3. With third-degree heart block, shouldn’t each beat be regular on its own, even if the atria and ventricles are beating independently? The ventricular beat should have appeared before the short strip ended. Can you provide an explanation for this?

    • ACLS says

      Third-degree block does not require that either the atrial or ventricular firing be regular. As is the case in the rhythm strip for question #3, the ventricular rate is irregular. Kind regards, Jeff

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