PALS systematic approach algorithm |


  1. Akosua Aikman says

    Looking forward to accomplishing my goal to be PALS certified. After discovering this website I think it will help me with my accomplishment.

  2. Mark Lizotte says

    Passed ACLS…again. This website really helped. All of the questions and rhythm reviews really helped.
    Just have to do my PALS again in December…stay tuned!


  3. Helen Hakala says

    Just passed my ACLS easily the other day and now onto PALS this coming week. Your program is amazing! Thanks so much!

  4. Tehetena Zarou says

    Hi Jeff,

    I did the ACLS with your course and am now back for the PALS.
    Thanks for this amazing site.

  5. jangrossberg says

    Back again after 2 ACLS courses, now for your PALS course. Great website. I recommend it to my colleagues ever time I have a chance. Thank you!

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