PALS Megacode Scenario 3 - Learn & Master ACLS/PALS


  1. Bruna Dessena says

    Iv been off the road for a while, One of the questions states that the respiration therapist places a NRM while a nebulizer is also placed? how is this done?

    • ACLS says

      You would use an in-line nebulizer with the nonrebreather mask. You could also replace the reservoir on the nonrebreather mask with the nebulizer and just make sure to remove the one-way valve flap that would normally be on the nonrebreather mask.

      Kind regards,

    • ACLS says

      Tight lung compliance is typically a sign of increased airway resistance. In this case the increased airway resistance is due to the patients current respiratory status and lower airway disease process.

      Kind regards,

    • ACLS says

      There are several things that we learn in ACLS and PALS that may be beyond our scope of practice. Learning these things however, is good because we are part of a dynamic team that all have different roles. When you know the function and action of each role it will help you be able to act swiftly and recognize potential errors and changes in the patient’s status.

      You may now be able to place an NG/OG but you will know how and this will increase the team’s overall effectiveness to successfully intervene with critically ill patients.

      I hope that makes sense.

      Kind regards,

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